January 15, 2012

happy chappy.

apparently wrapping 100's (seriously) of pieces of vintage crockery ready for the move didn't deter me from picking up a few extra pieces to add to my collection this week. a road trip to visit the beautiful libby & harper meant a visit to a local country lifeline was mandatory. i was rewarded with several johnson finds and some beautiful floral plates. dropping stuff off at the opshop can be equally as dangerous as seen below. a teacup i have been searching for, for about 5 years turned up on friday and then it's beautiful pastel pink and green teacup sisters made themselves obvious to me today. thank you thrifting gods. i will pull my head in from now on because i DO need to direct my efforts into finding a new home and i DO need to buy and save for my trip to london in june. couldn't resist linking up with sophie tonight. have a great week my floral loving friends.

floral heaven.

a variety of treats.

the country oppy delivered.

soooo pretty!

and some johnson love.


Bungalowgirl said...

Be still my beating heart, those floral cups! Swooning going on over here. Did you recognize your old vintage sheet on miss Liongirl's bed? The one positive of bedwetting toddlers is that you get to change your florals around frequently! melx

Bungalowgirl said...

Oh yes and that floral tapestry totally reminded me of you too!

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Lovely finds - especially the cups.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

Zara said...

Wrapping hundreds of plates sounds very familiar. soon to be unwrapping too.
You found some real little gems, love all the Johnsons as usual. x

Anonymous said...

gosh you sure know where to find all the pretty things Laura! Those teacups are absolutely amazing.

nais said...

Ooo love the blue johnson plate. Haven't come across that one. Oh how tedious is packing. I fear the day we have to move again with all the crockery I've collected in the past 12mths! All the best lovely.

melania said...

Wow, amazing!! You must have been SO excited to find not only the tea cup, but it's sister too! The coffee pot is beautiful too. So now for the real discipline eh?! xx

Ellie said...

Those florals are gorgeous! So bright and pretty. I've never seen crockery like that before in an oppy. Good luck with the house hunt and saving goals x

naughty shorts! said...

Hi my lovely lady! Op-shop finds making me tres jealous as I know it will be a long LONG time between oppy visits for me now. I still have something to send to you and your sister. I don't think the email address on your blog profile is working?? I hope you have so much fun unpacking your gear into your new room. Hope you are feeling amazing. Much love. Bec x

karlyn Jackson said...

oh those floral plates, love the pink and the aqua, so pretty. x

Peta said...

you did so well and i am so unbelievably jealous!

small forest said...

There was way too much Johnsonware going on at my house growing up so im not a fan im afraid to admit.
Too many sunflowers and sunbursts and all that.
However I looove the way you write so im signing up for the ride, cheers, x

Hello Vintage said...

Gosh, that first pic is gorgeous. Very jealous. Sherry :)

Bluebird Daydreams said...

Wow such pretty china.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Goodness. LOVE!!

Julia@a-living-space said...

Oh wow I love those florals! Great finds, lovely blog. Just found you through Her Library Adventures, and I can't wait to follow along :)