January 23, 2012

zucchini slice.

never underestimate the beauty that is zucchini. can't say i've gone as far as to add it to my cake batter to beat the dryness, but this zucchini slice, once made, will have you coming back for more. I'll even go so far to say that i've had it for two lunches and two dinners...in a row! judge away. it's been the star of a few instagram pics as of late so i felt the need to share the recipe love. it's easy peasy and completely morish. vintage floral and nz ironstone plate, optional.

zucchini slice

375g zucchini (around 3 medium size)
1 large onion
1 carrot
small can of corn
4 rashers of bacon (optional)
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 cup self-raising flour
1/2 cup oil
5 eggs
salt and pepper
cherry tomatoes to decorate (cut in half and optional)

1. grate unpeeled zucchini and grate carrot coarsely, finely chop onion and bacon.
2. combine zuchinni, carrot, onion, corn, bacon, cheese, sifted flour, oil and lightly beaten eggs in a a bowl, season well with salt and pepper.
3. pour into a well greased lamington tin (16cmx26cm) and bake in moderate oven (180deg) for around 30-40 minutes or until brown.
4. enjoy warm or cold!

serving suggestion.

adding a touch of tomato before it hits the oven.

soooo easy! ta-dah!


CanineThespian said...

Looks delicious! I actually bake a chocolate cake with zucchini, it is awesome and it really makes the cake moist. You also don't have to use as much butter or oil so it's tres healthy ;)

naughty shorts! said...

Thanks my lovely I will try this for an easy Australia day snack! yummo

melania said...

Ahh, thank you! Something my mum makes that I always mean to make.

Love a bit of nz ironstone - I have that plate!


Shortbread and Ginger said...

Looks yummy! Must give this a try. Thanks for recipe.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

humble habit said...

You have read my mind,I have been wanting to make zucchini slice recently. I used to bake enough to feed 65 kids when I was a childcare cook years ago. I will give this a whirl as I have some fresh out of the garden.
I did eat a beautifully moist zucchini cake on the weekend, i highly recommend you try it.

Unknown said...

Zucchini slice is the bomb! That recipe sounds just like the one I use! Sometimes I add pumpkin for extra yumminess :D

Rach x

Anonymous said...

Zucchini slice is a firm favourite in our home :)

Elyse (Give Me Bows) said...

Have bookmarked this to try on the weekend! :)

Peta said...

yum, i want a piece now!

Unknown said...

I really like your photos, very original!

Katyha said...

can't wait to try this one out :)

Bungalowgirl said...

I have that exact recipe and it is the most yum isn't it, very much like your photos which are simply scrummy. melx

Rachael said...

Oh my does this look good!