March 14, 2012

painting the town mint.

there are hundreds of paint colours to peruse at your local bunnings. that's half the excitement...letting your eyes wander the wide walls of paint candy. it was love at first sight on sunday. nothing else seemed to compare and as i plucked the card buried amongst it's tonal friends out so fast with a tiny (yet noticable) squeal, it was only seconds before a sample pot of 'mint twist' was mixed and mine to take home. wow, sounds like i really need to get out more...but the years of working at an art store and my inner artist/overall paint chip admirer was instantly inspired by the colour held before me. i bought it to paint just ONE bit of furniture, but as i look around me i can see other items/frames/canvases just calling out to be coated with said minty goodness. back to the point of this post and a little thank you for all of the wonderful instagram feedback/constant lovin' lately. i snagged a cute piece of retro shelving the other day at the antiques centre and although screaming at me to take it home...i had to do the maths...seriously, the iphone calculator was out budgeting how many $$ i had left for food this week and whether or not i could afford this beautiful artefact. i went with my gut and grabbed the bright blue (not my favourite colour) find and lugged it back to the car. complete buyers remorse until i got home, unloaded it and starting thinking colours. geez, this really is a long story just about a freakin furniture makeover, but i'm in the sharing mood so will proceed. (feel free to scroll down to the end result in picture format.) a chat amongst my girls and mint green was decided upon (thanks morgan!) i'll never go back..not even to mustard. the makeover was completed within a couple of hours and the johnson/staffordshire collection piled on soon after. i can feel it being a work in progress as it only fits my cup collection, but it has found pride of place in my studio and i am already in awe of its wonderfulness. check back in soon to see what else i've minted and please, do yourself a favour and grab a pot of mint green paint..or make some mint icing, or whip up some mint coloured playdough...because this colour ladies and gentlemen, IS the new mustard.

bye blue..hello mint loveliness!

looking all beautiful even without treats.

heaven on earth.

some studio decor.

stacks of delight about the place.

cosies are up and looking cute.

and i'm dreaming of paris in july. not long to go now!


naughty shorts! said...

you have me convinced!! Mwah!

Lea said...

Oh it's gorgeous! I love the rounded edges of the shelving too..not to mention all the sweet teacups.

koralee said...

Pure yummy joy over here your collection of oh so happy cups and saucers...what fun! Oh and Paris in that is something to kick up your heels about. xoxoxo

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa said...

Mmmm, so pretty! I love the colour & all your little teacups.

Catherine, XO.

Unknown said...

Oh this makes my heart melt! AMAZING! I'm so excited for you about your trip!
Sophie x

one denim bird said...

Oh my, that coffee cup collection looks superb on your newly painted shelf! Well done!
Ah yes, Paris in July *sigh*, hubby and I celebrated his 40th 2 years ago on Bastille Day in Paris! I am sooooooo in LOVE with Paris x

Michelle said...

Oh yes yes yes! Heaven on earth it is... Hmmm what shall I mint?

Katyha said...

everything looks amazing especially the cosies...they are too cute

humble habit said...

Love the colour, I thought for a moment that the colour got deeper along to the bottom shelf. So jealous of Paris It's only around the crnr.

Peta said...

your collection is so cute!

I've decided everyone who entered my op-it-forward comp will get a prize so please send me your address and I'll pop some little goodies in the mail for you xxx


trishie said...

love love love your tea cosy!

Bungalowgirl said...

Love your work! That shelf is beautiful, I would have traded one of my kids for it in a flash! And the colour is superb, would you believe I found a mint tablecloth just today? and definitely the new mustard ( although I am still really enjoying mustard too) melx

Shauna Nep said...

Yes! I have been obsessing over mint! I'm pretty new to your blog... excited to hear more about this Paris trip? xo

Zane said...

adorable, absolutely love this

Bernie @ Elk & Bloom said...

looks fabulous Laura! mint fever is all around :)love the cosies too x

Thrifted Treasure said...

Looks FAB!!! So glad I stumbled upon your beautiful blog, may just spend a while going through all your old posts :-)

Trudy Florence said...

I am currently wearing a lovely mint blouse and thinking of you. Definitely the new colour of the season! Love you and can't wait for Pareee!!! xxxx

Unknown said...

I have a crush on that mint bookshelf!

Cara-Mia said...

So so so lovely and worth the purchase/possible splurge. It looks especially great in that mint color. I'm all on board for it. :)

Anonymous said...

I have always been a bit shy of painting colour on furniture...I tend to stick to white, but you have convinced me to step out of my comfort zone :)
I had that same set of shelves in NZ.


amy said...

i want shelves like that! oh, and we have matchy match owl tea cosies!

Lisa Jay said...

I just died when I saw the mint shelves with all the cups on them. It looks so good!!