no grand plans. no big breakfast. just beautiful sunshine, friends replays and a tidy house. after yesterday's crazy storm behaviour, i was keen to stay in this weekend and get some rummage treats sorted (next sunday guys!), catch up on some chores and bake some brownie. yesterday started with a little boxing action, some recipe reading and brunch on the verandah (thanks bertie!) it wasn't long before clouds that resembled those on the never ending story rolled in and the storm watching began. (note: storm watching involved me, and only me, standing out in the eminent rain 'oohing and aahing' to magical cloud formations) i whipped up some curried vege fritters for dinner with one of my girly pies that was used to balance out the impending brownie overload consumed soon after. adding some crushed walnut to an old recipe favourite is this weekend's revelation. i am definately taking the rest of it to dinner tonight and i am most definately not eating it for breakfast right now. beats muesli right? i have joined in the fun over at sophie's even though this weekend has been a little quiet on the thrifting front. melbourne is fast approaching so every spare $$ is heading into that fund. i have begun to record all of your lovely recommendations and tips for melbourne, thank you again for that. i'm off to fill my belly with more milky tea and price some lovely rummage goodies. i hope this finds you all enjoying a lovely sunday. much brownie love.

sunday breakfast (large amount of brownie is for effect only!)

flowers inside and out. ('Hippeastrums' thanks ladies!)

a recent gorgeous gift. reading up in preparation for the sweet treat hunting in paris next year.

saturday morning and then afternoon. queensland, you are quite incredible.

it looked like the clouds were breathing.

my view this morning.
I spy a Johnson plate.
Love the flower pictures. x
How amazing was that storm!? Steph and I were out getting snack supplies when the hail started and I had to brave it to move the 'rolla undercover...let's just say it got me good, only to finish about 10 seconds later haha! Catch ups soon xx
ahh brownies how you tease me! I love those flower prints. I asked my mum about the flowers shes a horticulturalist and she thinks the might be "hippeastrums". We have some in flower here at the moment.
it is a gorgeous sunday in Sydney too! although I was pottering outside enjoying having dirt in my hands and the lovely heat on my body. Nothing as exciting as a brownie though ;)
lovely! your pretty red flowers are called hippeastrums by the way :)
love ash xxx
The flowers are Hippeastrums
I love your pics of the so stormy and then the bluest of blue.
Hello my darling!! Weekend sounds suitable marvellous. How much I wish that I could rummage through your suitcases of delight!! Sounds as though you have fought off any yucky bugs - very good! The sky looks amazing, One day I hope I get the chance to eat your brownies in the real world... xo
My Dad loves Hippeastrum's! we have some in the garden at the moment too.
The stormy clouds are definitely lovely :) it was so mesmerising wasn't it.
I don't feel so bad about the red velvet cupcake I ate for breaky this morning now Laura ha-ha x
Excellent pics of those clouds. We're having a beautiful sunny weekend in London - not a cloud in the sky and it's warm. Don't think it's going to last though; enjoying it while I can. Love the flower pics. Have a great rest of the weekend.
I love Qld! I raced home as the storm approached and put the roller door down with seconds to spare! And brownies for breakfast? Perfect! have a great week, Michelle x
Great pics. those clouds look so dramatic! and yum to the brownie for brekkie xx
I so love your photos and that daisy fabric is one of my faves in your collection, pure sunshine.melx
That pic of the sky is AMAZING!
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