March 6, 2012

the pattern palace.

what seemed like 100’s of boxes (mostly full of fabrics and crockery), a bed, an egg chair, nanna’s buffet, more boxes, 3 trips in a budget van and many bruises from attempting to carry a flat screen on my own later…and I was in.. moving day last week was super sunny after a miserable weather weekend which meant a stress free (but still exhausting) move. her baby pink bathroom with orange taps, axminster carpet, colourful toilet lino and beautiful oriental rugs had me charmed from the start. a much loved early 1900’s home with plenty of character and space for myself and my room mate to live, cook, bake, host and create in. the weekend just gone was spent opshopping for extra bits of furniture and also happened to turn up several lovely fabric finds. the kitchen already seems to be our favourite room in the house with breakfast nook, stacks of pyrex, stained glass windows and enough cupboard space to display all of our beautiful crockery collections. our separate studio spaces both have highset views over our beautiful neighbourhood and the high ceilings, vj’s and decorative carpets in the bedrooms made unpacking over the weekend an absolute joy. with many afternoon teas planned with beautiful friends, sunday baking sessions and constant rearranging (and hosting with) our beloved collections…I can see our new home playing a huge part in what appears to already be one of my favourite years yet. below are a few pics of her beautiful patterns and why she has so aptly been named the pattern palace.

the axminster in the sitting room.

oriental rug love in the lounge and main bedroom.

the colourful toilet fav!

pink and orange bathroom.

my bedroom carpet.

third bedroom floral lino.

inside the kitchen cupboards.

the hallway carpet.


Anonymous said...

This sneak peek at the decor of your new digs is so must be so lovely to wake up to all that bright cheery goodness.
Looking forward to seeing more of how you have made it your own :)

Hello Vintage said...

I love the inside of the kitchen cupboards and the carpet is the same as my Nana had. Also the taps are the same as the ones my dad put in when he renovated the bathroom in the 80's. That house is gone now so it is nice to see them. I agree that bathroom floor is gorgeous (hee hee, that sounds weird).

polkadotpeticoat said...

Oh I agree just the coolest.....ever!

Trudy Florence said...

Wish I could see it so much!

Zara said...

Love it all. wow the floral lino is gorgeous. How great is it displaying all your collections. cant wait for more pics. x

Maaike said...

Lovely to have met you through Instagram! Love your pattern feed, modern and vintage, colorful... great work!

Have a lovely day,

Maaike (creJJtion)

Ms.K said...

Oh wow! You must just love waking up every's beautiful!

Zane said...

beautiful patterns

Nell said...

Best selection of carpets ever. EVER. xx

felixsmum said...

Ive decided I need to come visit. Op shopping & tea meet up? hehe :)

Aliya said...

These patterns are stunning! Love your bedroom carpet! Is it an oriental carpet?

x Aliya

rachel @ idlepines said...

Never thought I'd feel this way about lino: those prints are just so gorgeous, especially the bathroom lino: stunning! ps I'll keep my out on the Salvo's: hopefully it will open again soon...