April 6, 2012

good friday.

religion aside, it's like the easter egg gods knew that i was in serious need of some chocolate love this week. feeling like my emotions were running on an all time high, i spent all week craving a sleep in and feeling stupidly sorry for myself. i think the come down from seeing m&d, the idea of my sister heading OS for three months and perhaps a little pms thrown in were quite clearly to blame. with a little sleep in, a few handfuls of mini eggs crammed into my belly, hot cross buns for breakfast (also for afternoon tea later) and a skype date with mama, i'm already feeling so much better today. my roomie has headed south for a few days so i have the place to myself. a couple of 'me' days watching love my way from start to finish, eating as many hot cross buns as possible, writing love letters to my favourites and planning new artworks for an upcoming exhibition are planned for the next two days. sunday has been dedicated to two of my favourite ladies, one who is barely 8 months old. i will spend the afternoon educating her about the importance of chocolate and dressing her in some thrifted treasures. the sun is shining through tempermental rain clouds but the floral fabrics hanging on the line seem to be keeping the showers at bay. i plan to spend all day in my pajamas, staying away from meat (my nanna always did, my mum does and now i do) so a big prawn curry is on the menu tonight. i hope you're giving yourselves and your families a little tlc this long weekend and enjoying the company of an easter egg or two. i'll be back tomorrow with some johnson love and on sunday, my flea market finds. thanks for the love this week, happy easter and good friday to you all. xx

friday breakfast.

blueberry, walnut and coconut brownie.

still eyeballing my johnson finds from rummage.

thursday morning's wake up call.

flowers picked up after a function at the gallery and given to my favourite flower lover.

the family is reunited thanks to jules @sconnieandjam. thank you gorgeous!

my easter sunday treat. can't believe he's survived so long.


b and e said...

What a beautiful post (the flowers especially!*sigh*)

Sounds like a delightful long weekend, hope you enjoy every moment
~e :)


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a few delightful days ahead of you Laura...enjoy :)

Cat said...

Happy easter and enjoy the rest of your weekend it sounds like a lovely weekend you have planned. Have fun. xx